Support Choices
Looking After the Elderly

NDIS Certification

Support Choices is here to see how much difference we can make in the lives of people with disabilities.

We are an independent and flexible Disability Service Provider to people with disabilities, their families and guardians.

Our aim is to provide "support choices" that will build capacity that will give independence to those in need so that they can enjoy a full and meaningful social and economic life at home and in the community where they live.

Just like the NDIS scheme, our supports are ultimately designed to assist participants to reach their individual goals and ensure they have the opportunity to participate in the community and get a job, if they are able, while living more independent and full lives.

By building the capacity of people with disabilities, we empower them to assist in furthering a more inclusive and prosperous Australia.

One of the ways we achieve our purpose is by working with participants to provide the supports detailed in their plan to help them achieve their goals. The plans can include a combination of NDIS funded supports, help from family and friends, and broader support through community and mainstream services. - see NDIS Corporate Plan 2020-2024

Looking After the Disabled
Looking After the Disabled

"Participants remain at the very centre of everything we do. Our business is about helping them achieve their goals." - Ann Oliver, Director.

Call us on (08)-9800-1394 or 0417-739-789 to get the care you need started.